Say goodbye to cigarettes! The natural prodcuts that can help you on your quest to quit smoking
World No Tobacco Day is recognized ever year, around the world, on May 31st. The yearly celebration informs the public on the dangers of using tobacco, the business practices of tobacco companies, what people around the world can do to live a healthy life and to protect future generations.
In honour of World No Tobacco Day, Naturiste is presenting some natural products and remedies that can help people in their quest to quitting.
How nicotine addiction works
When nicotine is ingested, adrenaline production increases, which raises blood pressure and heart rate. It also affects the overall metabolic rate, the regulation of body temperature, the degree of tension in the muscles, and the levels of certain hormones. These changes combined create a pleasurable sensation that is often experienced as a feeling of relaxation. This pleasurable feeling, and the fact that the tolerance to the effects of nicotine develops rapidly, are what makes tobacco so addictive.
Tobacco continues to be the number one cause of preventable disease and death in Canada. As of 2020, an estimated 48 000 Canadians die each year due to smoking. Despite public health education and prevention efforts, approximately 15% of Canadians smoke.
In the United States, the numbers are even more alarming. Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480 000 deaths per year, including 41 000 deaths resulting from secondhand smoke exposure. This is about one in five deaths annually, or 1 300 deaths every day.
The number of deaths related to cigarettes is more than the number of deaths from alcohol, illegal drugs, traffic accidents, suicide, and homicideCOMBINED. Tobacco smoking causes an estimated 30% of all cancer deaths, 20% of fatal heart attacks, and 73% of deaths from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
So, don't you think it's time to kick this horrible habit ?
Once the smoking habit has been acquired, it is difficult to break. However,IT IS POSSIBLE. The good news is that nicotine addiction can be overcome, and the health benefits from quitting smoking begin almost immediately.
In just 24 hours after your last cigarette, your blood pressure and pulse rate, as well as the levels of oxygen and carbon monoxide in your blood, should return to normal. Within a week, your risk of heart attack begins to decrease, your senses of smell and taste improve, and breathing becomes easier.
While you work to kick the habit, the following nutrients, vitamins, and lifestyle recommendations will help correct the smoking-related deficiencies and damages your body experienced due to smoking.
The natural products that can support you on your quest to quit:
Grape Seed Extract
A good source of antioxidants that help fight cell damage related to free radicals in the body. Known to help protect and repair the lungs.
B vitamins are a group of nutrients that are essential for energy, metabolism, nerve function, cardiovascular function and daily health maintenance. They are necessary in cellular enzyme systems often damaged in smokers.
Vitamin C-1000
Smokers break down vitamin C in their bodies almost twice as fast as nonsmokers, as smoking drastically depletes the body of Vitamin C, which is an important antioxydant that protects against cell damage. In addition to its antioxidant properties that help neutralize free radicals, our C-1000 supports immunity, contributes to collagen production, connective tissue formation, development and maintenance of cartilage, bones, teeth and gums, and wound healing. The body cannot manufacture vitamin C. It is therefore important to ensure a daily intake, and even more so if you are a smoker.
Liver-Kidney Formula
Our Liver-Kidney product is a complete formula that helps cleanse the liver and kidneys. It is composed of medicinal plants acting gently to help activate the depurative and filtering functions of the liver and kidneys and also contributes to the general detoxification of the body. Burdock is traditionally used to purify the body of impurities, specifically in the bladder, kidneys and skin. It also helps cleanse the blood-stream of toxins.
Milk Thistle
Milk Thistle is used as a liver protector. Its daily use promotes good liver health and prevents digestive discomfort that could be related to biliary disorders. A clogged liver can be a factor in various disorders: stress, fatigue, sleep problems, difficulty losing weight, difficulty digesting. It acts as a filter and feeds on bad toxins. Essentialy, is protects the liver against harmful toxins from cigarette smoke.
5-HTP or 5-Hydroxytryptophan is the natural substance that nerve cells use to make serotonin, a major neurotransmitter in the brain. A good level of serotonin promotes the satiety effect which reduces the feeling of hunger. Its regulating effect predisposes to sleep and reduces vulnerability to mood swings, panic attacks, depression and addiction to alcohol, tobacco and drugs.
Change your eating habits and adopt a healthier and more nutritious eating regime to facilitate the transition:
Add Dandelion Root Tea to your daily routine
Our Organic Dandelion Root Tisane is a superior quality 100% natural tea that will have many benefits on the digestive system. Dandelion acts as a detoxifier because it eliminates toxins accumulated in the body, so it protects the liver against harmful toxins from cigarette smoke.

Add healthy foods to your diet
- Greens : Asparagus, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, spinach.
- Grains, nuts, and seeds
- Yellow and orange vegetables : Carrots, pumpkin, squash, sweet potato.
- Onions and garlic
On your quest to quit, don't give up no matter how hard it gets. Keep in mind that the acute craving only lasts three to five minutes! Focusing on this may make it easier to wait it out. Also, remember that it gets easier and easier as time goes by. When craving strikes, engage in an activity that can momentarily take your mind off cigarettes.
It might be hard but it will all be worth it in the end - to live a longer and healthier life!
Pour Mr Raymond Houle la plante que vous recherchez je crois que sais du molène un très bon détoxifiant de la bouche jusqu’aux poumons.
Pour Mr Raymond Houle la plante que vous recherchez je crois que sais du molène un très bon détoxifiant de la bouche jusqu’aux poumons.
J’ai utilisé une plante pour éliminer les métaux lourd loge dans les nerf, système sanguin et autre là où le charbon activé n’est pas efficace. Pour nettoyer l’accumulation des résidus du tabac accumulé sur les poils des poumons entre autre. J’essaye de retrouver cette plante qui a été très efficace et salutaire pour moi. Merci
J’ai utilisé une plante pour éliminer les métaux lourd loge dans les nerf, système sanguin et autre là où le charbon activé n’est pas efficace. Pour nettoyer l’accumulation des résidus du tabac accumulé sur les poils des poumons entre autre. J’essaye de retrouver cette plante qui a été très efficace et salutaire pour moi.
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